1. Turkey's Foreign Aid Policy towards Africa: Drivers, Patterns, and Potential (Under the progress).
2. Sıradağ, A. (2024). Understanding Turkey's Evolving Security Policy towards Africa: New Dynamics, and New Approaches (under the publication process).
3. Sıradağ, A. (2024). Turkey as a New Security Actor in the Horn of Africa, Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 7-18.
4. Sıradağ, A. (2023) Turkey's Foreign Policy toward Africa: Three Levels of Analysis, Journal of Asian and African Studies, pp. 1-14 (SSCI and Scopus).
5. Sıradağ,
A. (2022). Turkey's Growing Role as a Security Actor in Somalia:
Dynamics and Motivations, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, Vol.
17, No. 2, pp. 384-404.
6. Sıradağ, A. (2022). The Rise
of Turkey’s Soft Power in Africa: Reasons, Dynamics, and Constraints, International Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1-14.
7. Sıradağ, A. (2020) Turkey's
Engagement with the African Organizations: Partner or Competitor? India
Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp. 1-16 (ESCI and Scopus).
8. Sıradağ, A. (2019). The
Dynamics Shaping Turkish African Policy and Turkey's Approach towards the
Western Sahara Conflict, Africana Studia - International Journal of
African Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 145-157.
9. Sıradağ, A. (2018). Turkey-Africa
Alliance: Evolving Patterns in Security Relations, African Security
Review, Vol. 3-4, No. 27, pp. 308-325 (ESCI and
10. Sıradağ, A. (2017). Turkey-South
Africa Relations: Changing Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy. Eurasian
Studies (Avrasya Etüdleri), Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 7-28.
11. Sıradağ, A. (2016). Explaining
the Conflict in the Central African Republic: Causes and Dynamics. Epiphany:
Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 86-103.
12. Sıradağ, A. (2016). Turkish-Somali
Relations: Changing State Identity and Foreign Policy. Inquiry -
Sarajevo Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 89-106.
13. Siradag, A. (2015). Benevolence
or Selfishness: Understanding the Increasing Role of Turkish NGOs and Civil
Society in Africa. Insight on Africa, Vol. 7. No. 1, pp.
1-20 (ESCI and Scopus).
14. Siradag, A. (2014).
Understanding French Foreign and Security Policy towards Africa: Pragmatism or
Altruism. Afro Eurasian Studies, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 100-122.
15. Siradag, A. (2013). The
Making of the New Turkish Foreign and Security Policy towards Africa: The
Rationale, Roots and Dynamics. Africa Insight, Vol. 43, No. 1,
pp. 15-31.
16. Siradag, A. (2012). African
Regional and Sub-Regional Organisations’ Security Policies: Challenges and Prospects. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 231-255.
17. Siradag, A. (2012). The EU's
Security Policy towards Africa: Causes, Rationales, and Dynamics. Insight
Turkey, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 175-188 (ESCI and
18. Siradag, A. (2011).
Strategic Security Partnership between the AU and the EU: The Case
of Sudan. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, Vol.
6, No. 2, pp. 271-296.
Book Chapters
1. Sıradağ, A. (2023). "21. Yüzyılda Türkiye-Afrika İlişkileri," (Türkiye-Africa Relations in the 21st Century), 21'inci Yüzyılda Türkiye'nin Dış Politikası, (Editör: Ramazan Erdağ). Ankara: KADİM Yayınları, in Turkish, ss. 241-255.
2. Sıradağ, A. (2024). "How Can Turkey's Position in Global Competition Towards Africa Be Expressed?", (Türkiye'nin Afrika'ya Yönelik Küresel Rekabetteki Konumu Nasıl İfade Edilebilir?), (50 Soruda Türkiye-Afrika İlişkileri), (Editörler: Efe Sıvış ve Hasan Aydın). İstanbul: Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları, in Turkish, pp. 310-316.
3. Sıradağ, A. (2015). "Turkey's
Policy towards Sub-Saharan Africa 2013," Turkish Foreign Policy
Yearbook 2013, (Editors: Burhanettin Duran, Kemal İnat, Ali Balcı). Ankara:
SETA Publications, (in Turkish), pp. 395-414.
4. Sıradağ, A. (2017). "Turkey's
Policy towards Africa 2016," Turkish Foreign Policy Yearbook
2016, (Editors: Burhanettin Duran, Kemal İnat, Mustafa Caner). Ankara: SETA
Publications, (in Turkish), pp. 441-467.
5. Sıradağ, A. (2017). "Turkey-Somali
Relations: Causes, Dynamics and Challenges," Middle East Yearbook
2016, (Editors: Kemal Inat ve Muhittin Ataman). Ankara: KADİM
Publications, (in Turkish), pp. 497-713.
6. Sıradağ, A. (2018). "Turkey's
Policy towards Africa 2017," "Turkish Foreign Policy
Yearbook 2017", (Editors: Burhanettin Duran, Kemal İnat, Mustafa
Caner). Ankara: SETA Publications (in Turkish), pp. 399-418.
Other Publications
1. Siradag, A. (2013). The Dynamics
and the Roots of France’s Security Policy towards Africa. Political
Reflection Magazine, Vol. IV, No. II, pp. 20-23.
2. Sıradağ, A. (2014). Orta Afrika
Cumhuriyeti'ndeki Siyasal Kriz: Sebepler ve Dinamikler. Ortadoğu Analiz
(Middle Eastern Analysis), Cilt 6, Sayi 64, pp. 60-61.
3. Sıradağ, A. (Mart-Nisan 2015).
Turkiye-Afrika Iliskilerinde Yeni Donem: Stratejik Ortaklik. Ortadogu
Analiz (Middle Eastern Analysis), Cilt 7, Sayi 67, pp. 14-17.
4. Sıradağ, A. (Mayis-Haziran
2015). Turkiye-Guney Afrika Iliskileri: Tarih, Kimlik ve Degisim. Ortadogu
Analiz (Middle Eastern Analysis), Cilt 7, Sayi 68, pp. 75-77.
5. Sıradağ, A. (Eylul-Ekim 2015).
Avrupa Birligi'nin Libya Politikasi: Realizm veya Idealizm. Ortadogu
Analiz (Middle Eastern Analysis), Cilt 7, Sayi 70, pp. 76-77.
6. Sıradağ, A. (2015). Sahra
Altı Afrika'sında Terörist Grupların Yükselişi: Boko Haram ve Eş-Sebab (The
Rise of Terrorist Groups in the Sub-Saharan Africa: Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab), SETA
Analiz, vol. 125, pp. 1-24 (Translated to Turkish).
1. Siradag, A. (2012). EU-AU
Strategic Partnership on Security: The Case of Africa. Deutschland:
Lambert Academic Publishing.
Newspaper articles and Interviewss
1. Sıradağ, A. (2016). Iran
Krizi Kiskacinda Turkiye-Suudi Arabistan Iliskileri. Al Jazeraa
Turk, http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/gorus/iran-krizi-kiskacinda-turkiye-ve-suudi-arabistan-iliskileri
2. Sıradağ, A. (2014). The
Terrorist Attacks on Kenya and Somalia. Chinese Magazine Sanlian
3. Sıradağ, A. (2016). Afrika
ile Gelecek Mümkün mü? Karar Gazetesi, https://www.karar.com/abdurrahim-siradag-yazdi-afrika-ile-gelecek-mumkun-mu-173213
4. Interviewed by Journalist Annegina
Randewijk from Nederlands Dagblad on 6 April 2021, Tuesday, Wie
krijgt na China voet aan de grond in Afrika: de EU of misschien wel
Turkije? https://www.nd.nl/nieuws/buitenland/1030373/welke-grootmacht-krijgt-de-meeste-voet-aan-de-grond-in-afrika-c
5. Sıradağ,
A. and Gerrit Olivier. (2021). Turkey’s Evolving Foreign Policy Offers
SA a Unique Opportunity, BusinessDay, https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/opinion/2021-06-07-turkeys-evolving-foreign-policy-offers-sa-a-unique-opportunity/
M.A Thesis
Siradag, A. (2009). Cooperation
between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU)
with regard to peacemaking and peacekeeping in Africa.
Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg (MA Thesis) (Supervisor: Prof. Dr.
Gerrit Olivier).
Ph.D. Dissertation
Siradag, A. (2012). Causes,
Rationales and Dynamics: Exploring the Strategic Security Partnership between
the European Union and Africa. Leiden: Leiden University (PhD Dissertation)
(Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Madeleine O. Hosli, Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerrit