Source Citation:
Siradag, A. (2012). African Regional and Sub-Regional
Organisations’ Security Policies: Challenges and Prospects. Journal of Academic Inquires
(JAI), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 231-255.
This article
will examine peace and security policies and strategies of the African Union
(AU), the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD), the Economic
Community Of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Southern African Development
Community (SADC). Upholding peace and security has been the first priority for
the African organisations following independence. The leaders have recognised that
Africa’s security can only be maintained by Africans, not outside actors. In
doing so, the African leaders have made efforts to create their own peace and
security mechanisms through the regional and subregional organisations. In
particular, the philosophical principle “without peace and security there is no
sustainable social and economic development” plays a major role in developing
the African organisations’ peace and security policies. This chapter will
explore the challenges
facing the African organisations’ peace and security policies, and discuss how
African organisations can strengthen its strategic partnership with global
actors in the fields of peace and security.,S2_M11.pdf