23 Haziran 2021 Çarşamba

 New Article with Prof. Dr. Gerrit Olivier was published in BusinessDay.

"Turkey’s evolving foreign policy offers South Africa a unique opportunity"

Though Turkey does not figure in the first circle of SA’s foreign policy, bilateral relations are nevertheless pragmatic, but lack a discernible strategic rationale. That depiction is restricted mainly to “ideological” or “struggle” partners and “permanent friends” such as China, Russia, Cuba, Palestine and most African countries. Apart from relations with China, Russia and some Southern African states, these bilateral relations mostly do not add to SA’s national interests, particularly with regard to enhancing the country’s declining economy, political influence and prestige as an international role player. The message is clear:  SA’s diplomacy should make way for a more nimble approach to take advantage of opportunities and challenges in pursuit of rewarding permanent interests rather than dysfunctional ideological pursuits.


Kitap Bölümü: "Türkiye’nin Afrika’ya yönelik küresel rekabetteki konumu nasıl ifade edilebilir?"

Özet:  Afrika kıtası sahip olduğu jeo-ekonomik ve jeo-politik öneminden dolayı dünya politikasındaki stratejik yeri ve önemi her gün artmakt...